Theme 5: Diagnostic & monitoring technologies
A cross-cutting theme
This theme aims to catalyse the development of new diagnostic and monitoring technology for priority areas of unmet need in community healthcare. We will focus initially on our four key clinical areas by identifying and fulfilling unmet needs and supporting companies who are in the process of developing new diagnostics which they wish to embed in community settings. We will contribute to functional requirement specification using a range of methods to identify the clinical need and nature of a diagnostic for use in managing community acquired pneumonia.
The theme draws on our expertise in IVDs but encompasses all forms of diagnostic technology, in particular point of care imaging, digital health and wearable technologies.
In collaboration with EIT Health. For an example of our work, please see the ADVANCE Project.
Research news:
COVID-19: Online Medical Device Regulation Tool Goes Live
20 April 2020
A digital tool to make it easier to understand how medical device regulations apply to your product in the current climate.