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+44 (0)1865 289300
EA Lucy Curtin
Research groups
Clinically, I am a part-time GP at a suburban practice. I am an active member of Council at the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). I was Chair of their Associates in Training Committee and went on to establish and lead the RCGP First5 initiative which supports new GPs through the formative years of independent practice.
Clare Taylor
Academic General Practitioner
Heart Failure Research
Heart failure is my main research interest. My doctoral work examined the clinical pathway for patients diagnosed with heart failure in primary care, particularly the epidemiology of heart failure in the community and the patient experience of diagnosis. I am co-Principal Investigator for the REFer for EchocaRdiogram (REFER) study which examines the use of a clinical decision rule and natriuretic peptide testing in the diagnosis of heart failure in primary care. I am also part of the Echocardiographic Heart Of England Screening (ECHOES) study team. The ECHOES-X study rescreened patients from the original ECHOES cohort to determine the outcome of heart failure in a community population. Internationally, I am collaborating with the University of Sydney to examine the burden of heart failure in Australian general practice.
My other research interest is atrial fibrillation and anticoagulation. I have used routinely collected general practice data to examine the prevalence of atrial fibrillation and management of oral anticoagulants in primary care, and been involved in a randomised controlled trial in stroke patients. I am an experienced lecturer at Masters level, GP tutor and senior clinical examiner for undergraduates and a trained mentor.