Healthcare professionals needed for an interview study into diagnosis and management of cellulitis
The Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences is interested in the role that diagnostic technologies may play in improving the diagnosis and management of cellulitis. We are seeking to interview healthcare professionals (e.g. nurses, emergency nurse practitioner, paramedics, GPs and hospital doctors) with current or previous experience in the diagnosis and/or management of cellulitis.
We’re interested in:
- Which stages of diagnosis and/or treatment are particularly challenging and may benefit from the development of a diagnostic test or aid
- What you perceive to be the key aspects of an ideal diagnostic which could differentiate cellulitis from other conditions with a similar clinical presentation
You would be asked to take part in a single interview, online or by telephone, lasting up to 60 minutes.
If you are interested, please read the Participant Information Sheet and contact us at
Participants will be compensated for their time with a £40 gift voucher and receive a certificate of participation for Continuing Professional Development.
About the study:
Study title: Unmet needs in cellulitis diagnosis and treatment: Understanding healthcare professionals’ knowledge and experiences
Ethics approval reference: R83117/RE001
The research team is a collaboration between the NIHR Community Healthcare Medtech and In Vitro Diagnostics Co-operative, the University of Oxford and Brighton & Sussex Medical School. Dr Margaret Glogowska is a senior researcher in the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford. Dr Elizabeth Cross is an NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow in the Global Health & Infection Department at Brighton & Sussex Medical School. They are supported by other clinicians and academics in the project team.