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Workshop 1, Wednesday 22 Jun


The opening workshop of the series will be taught by front-line diagnostics researchers and will provide participants with a basic overview of the components which one might employ for the evaluation of diagnostic tests, including basic health economics and statistics, searching for evidence, and pragmatic study design. Tutors will discuss some of the challenges faced by developers of diagnostic tests and potential sources of funding for development and evaluation projects respectively.


There are no prerequisites for attendance. This workshop has been formulated so that it is accessible to all who have an interest in gaining a basic understanding of the evaluation of diagnostic tests.


The course will consist of three sessions of seminars separated by lunch and coffee breaks. Some of the seminars will incorporate short practical exercises.

Course content (subject to minor changes)

1. Tests as part of a clinical pathway

2. Introduction to study design for pragmatic evaluation of diagnostics

3. Basic statistics for diagnostic medicine

4. Basic health economics for diagnostic evaluation

5. Challenges of diagnostic test development – the industry perspective

6. Searching for existing evidence to support regulatory approval and other purposes

7. NIHR funding streams